Here is a message for book clubs, students, and all Americans. It will foster deep and valuable insights — the kind we should all experience. After divulging the story of his horrendous early years in Romania he presents an outsider’s view of the America he came to, entirely without knowledge of the reality of our…Read More

I had a wonderful interview with Matthew Bannister of the BBC recently. His questions were penetrating and well-informed; a man who’d done his homework and was a pleasure to talk with. You can listen to the entire interview here, which follows another discussion with the Sabastiao Salgado, a photographer who captures the human condition with images of…Read More

Peter Georgescu’s The Constant Choice, An Everyday Journey From Evil Toward Good is an excellent book. I am pleased to say this publically and have done so privately since I read it. Indeed, it is my favorite present to those who, like Georgescu, are searching for meaning in their lives, to locate good in what…Read More

Quit Hating Hathaway

In anne hathaway

Is Hathaway Hating over by now? Probably not. It was in full swing before I spotted a story about it in the New York Post not long ago. When the Sunday New York Times wrote about it in more depth, I began to see why it dismayed me so much. As frothy and superficial as…Read More

As a child growing up in Rumania, I’d been a traditional believer. But as I grew older, I wanted an intellectual model, a way of understanding God that didn’t conflict with science. I wanted an understanding of life that would give my own personal struggles a sense of meaning. My early model was simple and…Read More