Salman Khan is a classic outlier who has given the world what many consider to be a great gift. It all started out with a YouTube upload. This hedge fund manager decided to use YouTube as a way of sending his cousins a little instructional video on math. The cousins were pleased. So was…Read More


In Elias Canetti

  “I would like to become tolerant without overlooking anything, persecute no one even when all people persecute me; become better without noticing it; become sadder, but enjoy living; become more serene, be happy in others; belong to no one, grow in everyone; love the best, comfort the worst; not even hate myself anymore.” –Elias…Read More

  Every crisis has much to teach us.  Some lessons have significantly broader applications.  My good friend Davia Temin is a brilliant psychologist and coach.  Faced with the arrival of megastorm Sandy, Davia wrote a most insightful piece about resiliency and to my mind, a brilliant lesson in crisis management preparedness.  Rather than paraphrasing her…Read More

If the test of character is what you do when nobody’s looking, then Harvard students have been failing badly lately: even as they ace their finals. Along with many other schools, students at this Ivy League university are cheating. You can’t get through a week now without seeing another newspaper article or post about how…Read More

  It’s easy to be good when you have something to gain by it. The test is when you have a lot to lose by standing up for what’s right. Here’s someone who did exactly that: Name: Gerald J. Arpey Title: CEO, American Airlines The Good: Resigned in 2011 with no severage package and nearly…Read More