From a friend, formerly at the Soros Foundation:
Dear Peter,
I don’t know how should I start this message, so I have no other idea than to start it abruptly.
The Constant Choice made a profound and lasting impression on me. It’s one of those very precious books that I like to keep them nearby so I can grab it, caress it, flip it, smile at it, and embrace it delicately close to my heart.
It answers so many questions I am keep having for some time and in the same time raises even more questions.
Epigenetics comes as a wonderful surprise, one that I could not refrain to share it with my wife, Sorina, as I was reading it. Sorina is studying now Psychology, more precisely, Integrative Psychotherapy. This whole idea inferred by epigenetics is having tremendous implications indeed in all areas of human activity, including the programs we run at the foundation. It really gives me hope that our work with very poor communities is not worthless, that the vicious circle in which they find themselves have real chances to be broken.
For me it is a timely reading as I find myself going through rough times with the organization I am heading. I find myself in the face of constant choices I need to make, and, as you say in your book, it’s not always easy to choose the good from the evil. How can I know if my decision will lead to good results for the organization as a whole? How can I know if at this given fork in the organization’s destiny, I am leading it in the right direction
Your book is not only an inspiring reading but also a shoulder to rely on. I don’t know if you are one of my guardian angels. I wish you were! But even if you are not, the soul of your book is.
I had a handful or so of guardian angels in my life as well. I am a lucky person to have met inspiring personalities. I keep telling my wife that I had spent two very intense and gratifying hours with you, last summer in my office. I never knew why, until I read The Constant Choice.
Best regards,